
Sociale rol van biologische moeder bepalend voor relaties binnen stiefgezin

Door een toename in scheidingen worden gezinsverbanden steeds ingewikkelder: steeds meer mensen zijn opgegroeid met een of meer stiefouders. Hoe hecht is de relatie tussen volwassen stiefkind en stiefouder op de langere termijn, en hoe solidair zijn ze met elkaar? …



In dit boek staan stiefvaders centraal: hoe voelt hun positie, welke rol willen ze innemen, waar nemen ze verantwoordelijkheid voor? Stiefvadergezinnen functioneren heel anders dan stiefmoedergezinnen…


Fatherhood in complex families: Ties between adult children, biological fathers, and stepfathers.

Our findings suggested that the quality of the two father-child ties are interrelated, that is, we found a small substitution effect (i.e., adult children were more likely to “choose” one father in the presence of both). We also found that the quality of father-child and stepfather-child ties was…


Heterogeneous effects of family complexity in youth on mental health: Testing the “good divorce” and the “good stepparent” hypotheses.

We address two key research questions. First, is there an association between parental separation and living with a stepparent in childhood and maladjustment in adulthood? Second, we examine the role conflict plays in these associations…


My children, your children, our children, and my well-being: Life satisfaction of ’empty nest’ biological parents and stepparents.

Studies on the association between parenthood and subjective well-being (SWB) have largely ignored the growing population of adults who experience more complex types of parenthood such as stepparenthood and multipartner fertility…


Family complexity into adulthood: The central role of mothers in shaping intergenerational ties.

As a result of the divorce revolution, more children grow up in complex families. Yet, we know little about how family complexity affects relationships when children are adults and parents are ageing…


Nieuwe Families in Nederland

NFN is een wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar ouderschap anno nu onder gescheiden en niet-gescheiden gezinnen. Het onderzoek wordt gedaan door de Universiteit Utrecht en het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS). NFN..


Division of childcare in two-biological-parent and step-parent households: Importance of parental gender and type of partnership.

In contrast to previous, single-gender studies on step-parents’ participation in childcare, I use the pooled Generations and Gender Survey to address the following questions: (i) Is there a gender difference in the potential divergence in how childcare is organized in two-biological-parent and step-parent households…