
Fatherhood in complex families: Ties between adult children, biological fathers, and stepfathers.

Our findings suggested that the quality of the two father-child ties are interrelated, that is, we found a small substitution effect (i.e., adult children were more likely to “choose” one father in the presence of both). We also found that the quality of father-child and stepfather-child ties was…


My children, your children, our children, and my well-being: Life satisfaction of ’empty nest’ biological parents and stepparents.

Studies on the association between parenthood and subjective well-being (SWB) have largely ignored the growing population of adults who experience more complex types of parenthood such as stepparenthood and multipartner fertility…


Division of childcare in two-biological-parent and step-parent households: Importance of parental gender and type of partnership.

In contrast to previous, single-gender studies on step-parents’ participation in childcare, I use the pooled Generations and Gender Survey to address the following questions: (i) Is there a gender difference in the potential divergence in how childcare is organized in two-biological-parent and step-parent households…